NOW Is the Time for Something Different

Therapy in Skokie, Illinois

(224) 715-8155

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”

These words serve as both a compass and a map, pointing us in the direction of change.

This quote is variously attributed to Einstein, Henry Ford, Jessie Potter, Tony Robbins, and others.

Regardless of who said it originally, the principle holds: If you want things to be different, you have to try something different.

Change and relief must be accompanied
by risk.

When things haven’t gotten better on their own; when what you’ve tried hasn’t worked; it may be time to take a risk.

Things may have gotten worse, resulting in feeling more down, ill-at-ease, or more dissatisfied with yourself or your relationships. It may be time to take a risk.

And seeking therapy is a risk… a risk worth taking.

Take the risk to ask for help.

Being vulnerable is the cornerstone
for growth.

In considering therapy, people often fear making themselves vulnerable by meeting with a stranger, opening up to someone they don’t know and don’t know if they can trust.

Relief is available. If you take that risk with me, I promise to devote my decades of professional counseling skills and experience to helping you find the relief you seek and deserve in a compassionate, non-critical, and non-judgmental setting.

NOW Is the Time for Something Different.

Now is the time to call for a free phone consultation.

Allow me to assist you in finding the relief you deserve.

Please Call

Kevin W. FitzPatrick, MSW, LCSW

The relationship between client and therapist is a partnership, the core of which involves trust. As a therapist, I won’t automatically have all the answers to everyone’s difficulties. But I do have training, experience, and expertise to help people overcome their difficulties.

I can help you understand yourself more deeply, to develop insight into how your past impacts your present, and how some of your habitual emotional and behavioral patterns may contribute to the things that are bothering you.

Another essential part of the therapeutic process is to help clients articulate who they want to be, how they want to be, and what they want their lives and relationships to look like. Doing so establishes a goal, a course, or a destination.

Behavior change is necessary if one wants a different outcome. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get… take the risk to reach out. Risk is the beginning of the journey toward worrying less, feeling better, happier, and more fulfilled. This applies to yourself as an individual, your relationship, and your family.

Decrease your hesitation, take a risk now,
and call for a free phone consultation.

(224) 715-8155