
Some of life’s questions are hard to answer without help.

Have you ever had a situation that you just wanted to run by somebody? We’re not talking about a legal or a financial situation here.

What we are talking about are situations in our lives that may have to do with relationships, jobs, spouses, kids, family, or extended family.

These are those life situations that may cause us to feel confused as to what’s going on, confused about how to understand, react, or respond. These may have to do with others or may relate to ourselves.

Why am I feeling this way? Why are people treating me this way? Is it me or is it them? Am I drinking too much? Am I depressed? Why am I not more content?

These are all legitimate questions that deserve answers.

Consultation helps shed light and provides clarity and understanding.

Consultation with a qualified, experienced mental health professional can be very helpful in shedding light on what may be happening on either a psychological or emotional level.

Often that understanding provides relief to the confusion and uncertainty. Increased clarity helps us understand how to engage a situation and proceed forward.

Consultation is not “getting into therapy.” It isn’t any kind of long-term commitment.

It’s simply reaching out for… a consultation!

Decrease your hesitation, take a risk now, and call (224) 715-8155.