Therapy for Emerging Adults

Maturation to adulthood involves emotional and psychological transitions.

As we proceed through our lives, we go through various developmental stages. We go from newborns to infants, toddlers, children, pre-adolescents, adolescents, young adults, adults, and so on.

Each developmental stage has certain physical markers of our maturation. In similar fashion, each developmental stage comes with its own set of emotional and psychological characteristics.

Each stage also comes with what are called “developmental tasks,” meaning the things that need to be accomplished on an emotional and psychological level in order to progress to the next stage.

Growing up has its challenges.

When we’re young, we’re dependent on our parents in almost every way. In adolescence, we begin to start forming our own identity, often trying on several different identities.

It is during adolescence that the process of becoming more independent and separate from our families begins. This is all in service of making the transition from the dependence of childhood and adolescence to the independence and autonomy of young adulthood.

Professional guidance helps emerging adults navigate challenges.

This “emerging adult” period roughly comprises the ages between 17 and 25.

Therapy for emerging adults is designed to assist young people in this transition, which can be particularly challenging as it calls for them to grow up, leave the nest, find their way in the world in terms of job or career, and become self-supporting.

When a young person is struggling in these areas, it can be particularly helpful for them to have the assistance of a professional therapist attuned to these developmental issues.

The therapy often involves a combination of conventional psychotherapy, guidance counseling, and mentorship.

Help is available!

Contact me today, so your emerging adult and I can address the various challenges they face. It makes for a smoother transition.

Decrease your hesitation, take a risk now, and call (224) 715-8155 for a free phone consultation. It could be the best decision for your emerging adult.